Wednesday, December 19, 2007

You want to go on a what????

Ironically I posted this morning I posted on here about how God has entrusted us with little eternal souls clothed in human bodies and how we only get so many chances to guide them in the right way because either life is fragile and can be taken or because they grow up so quickly and aren't as easily influenced as they use to be.

I think I will ponder the last part of that sentance for awhile. Last week my 11 year old almost 12 year old got in the car after school and said Mom guess what a week from tomorrow is? I told him it would be Friday he said no guess mom guess. I had no clue. He then filled me in that it was him and Kimmys 3 month anniversary. WHAT? It seems like just yesterday I was helping him change his poopy diaper. (Oh how he would kill me if he knew I posted that on the internet for the whole world to read. I am so uncool) Then tonight he got a call from a boy who said that his mom told him he could take three kids to the movie tomorrow. The little boy is inviting his girlfriend, Trey and Trey's girlfriend. The mother is going to take them and stay the whole time just a few rows behind. So would this be his first date?? I have arranged to get off work early so that I can get home and get him to the meeting spot by the designated time. I can't wait to get a glimpse of my future daughter inlaw as I haven't met her yet :) I just can't believe how quickly he is growing up. Part of me wants him to hurry up and grow up and get past this preteen with a mouth that likes to question every thing I say or do stage and part of me wants to grab him and hold him and keep him frozen in time. I realized listening to the CD this morning that Trey has already lived w/ me for longer then he has left to live with me. I guess that is taking into account that I don't plan on him living at home at 22. It just takes a minute for them to grow up and as they said on the cd this morning the older they get the less influence we have on them so it is so important to start instilling good values in them at an early age because before you know it they will be sharing a tub of popcorn in a movie theater w/ thier first love.

It is going to be an interesting next couple of years....

Children blessings from God

Ok I had to blog this as soon as I heard it. I am at work and really shouldn't be doing this but this was on my heart so I am going to try to get as many complete thoughts down as quickly as I can. I am sure this will be a to be continued blog. A friend gave me a CD from a church that her husband attends. I don't know the name of the church as I didn't look at the CD that closely I just know it is in Brentwood. I wasn't sure what the sermon was about but decided since she wanted to share it I would listen to it on the way into work today. It was on grattitude. I haven't finished the whole thing but the part that I have heard was very heavy on my heart. The pastor starts out by talking about how when God gives you a child he gives you an eternal soul in a human body. WOW I had never thought of my kids that way. He goes on to say how our children are like clay that can be shaped and formed. He said that outside of God and free will we are the greatest influence on our children and what direction thier lives will take. He mentions that because God knows we will make mistakes with our kids he created them like a lump of clay they are pliable and can be shaped and reshaped. This is easier in the beginning but as our children get older the clay starts getting harder and it isn't so easy to erase the mistakes of parenting. He talks about how when they are 2 you can shape and reshape but as they get to be 9 the clay is getting stiffer and when they are in college it takes alot of hard work and maybe a therapist hammering the clay to reshape it. He said something that struck me-he mentioned that because God gives us so many chances many people forget that their chances aren't unlimitless. God only grants us so many FREE PASSES and we never know how long or short our time on earth will be or our childrens time on earth may be. It is so easy to get caught up in LIFE that even though we don't forget what our true purpose is with our kids we may not make that the for front of every day....He said many great things in this sermon but another thing that he said was how important it is for our Children to know that they came from SOMEONE and that they are going back to that SOMEONE and that during thier time on earth they are here to please that someone and glorify him. He mentioned that he wanted to raise his kids to know that God loves them more than he does and that God is perfect so if he loves them then they must be worthy of loving and he wants to make sure that his kids believe that they are worthy of love because a perfect God loves them. Wow if EVERY parent could instill that seemingly simple message in each childs life what a near perfect world this would be. So many problems come out of not loving our selves or not feeling worthy...I know I have taught my children about God but I am ashamed to admit that I realize I have just touched the surface. I am not sure I have ever told them God loves them more than I do or to make sure they are making God proud. I have said things that were near to that point but not directly in that matter. WE need to be direct because as he said God only gives so many FREE PASSES.

He went on to tell about a time a man complimented him on his sermon and he said thank you and changed the subject back to the man and his family and this man stopped him and said you just insulted me. I was trying to give you a compliment and you didn't recieve it. I don't know what to do with that. Is it because you don't feel like you are worthy or you don't feel like I was being honest. What is it. He talked about how important it is to recieve with grattitude the gifts people give us even if it is just a compliment.

WOW I haven't even listened to 30 minutes of this..I can't wait to drive home today to listen to the rest and am sure I will have more to share.

Just something to think about....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

That's my boy!!!!

Today is saturday at that means basketball at the Sallee house. Trey didn't play today as he is feeling under the weather. Conner just got done playing and what a game!!!! His team had not won a game yet but today they won 20-10. Conner scored 18 of the points. I was so proud of him. Not only because he scored so much but he looked so good playing. He had several steals and several fakes that were awesome. He looked like a little pro. Then it hit me......Conner is able to play basketball because of God. God has given him the health, talent and ability. Without God granting him this he might not be able to play at all. I took this opportunity to talk to Conner and remind him that he didn't play so good because of anything that his human self did rather it was all because God allowed him to. I reminded him that God was behind everything and that noone liked a cocky player (or cocky mom) and that it was very important to be humble and gracious. I told him that he needed to remember to thank-God for giving him the good health and for allowing him to play. I was glad that I got the opportunity to talk to Conner about this. We learn lessons every day from God and some days it is not fun to learn those lessons...I must say that I didn't mind learning this lesson today and am thankful that God let Conner have a great game as it was fun to watch...and it was fun to watch his dad coaching from the sidelines. We were both grinning from ear to ear.

Now....about the whole puppy thing. The boys have decided to name him Buster. I was afraid that I wouldn't love him and that we were jumping the gun getting him but I am quickly falling in love with him. Even though he is trying to eat the laptop as I speak. The first day he got up every two hours in the middle of the night but last night he slept about 4 hours at a time. I am quickly reminded of how hard it is going to be to get up with the baby when it gets here. But I guess this is good practice.....

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Please Pray

I am asking all of you to please pray for a little boy I do not know yet his family has been in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I was asked by our Sunday School class about three months ago to pray for this little boy and his family. you have to sign in and then visit the care page chaserdonell

This little boy's family has ben told that he has about 4 weeks to live they are saying that they can't do anything more for him. I read the carepage his mom wrote a couple of days ago in it she wrote about how Chase asked her to crawl in bed with him and how he told her he wished noone had to die. She told him if you lived your life for God you shouldn't be afraid to die because there was only happiness there. He told his mom that he would get to see his grandma, his uncle and his dog. He told her he knew he was going to Heaven and not down there and that there sure were alot of mean people here on earth. He went on to say he wished the devil would trip on his pitchfork and it would stab him and kill him so he would leave his family alone. I just can't imagine having this conversation with my children. I can't imagine how you get through something like that. I know that God has a plan for this family and that this will serve a purpose. I do know that but it still breaks my heart. Please pray for Chase Donnell and his family. Pray for good health for your own families-I know I sure will.

Lawn Decorations

Here is a picture of the boys infront of one of our Christmas Lawn decorations

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The house is too quiet

We have something going on just about every night of the week. Tonight is my oldest sons basketball practice and I decided not to go. This is unusual for me as I usually go to all of thier practices. I have been sitting here for the last hour and a half realizing that I don't know what to do when my house is quiet. I seldom have the house to myself and am not sure I am comfortable having down time. Interesting that sometimes we get so tired of being so busy and yet that is realy where our comfort zone is. I have been catching up on reading blogs tonight. Please pray for Chase Donnell I don't know this family but was sent a prayer request a while back and have been reading his care page-chaserdonnell. It sounds as if the doctors have said there is nothing more that can be done for this little 10 year old boy. His mother posts on the care page and is a pillar of strength she said she is holding onto her mustard seed. I can't imagine hearing those words-there is nothing else we can do. How must a mother feel? I have always been so afraid that God will test me in that area as that is the one area that I struggle with. I know my children belong to him but I can't imagine having to give them up. For those of you that know that Conner has had some undiagnosed heart issues over the past year you know how worried I have been about that. He has worn a heart monitor but never seems ot have the episodes when he is wearing them. I have really struggled with worrying about him now that Basketball has started. I see him running up and down the court and half expect him to pass out. I have really had to remember that if God wanted to take him he could take him anywhere it wouldn't have to be a phsyical activity. I then read the blogs of mothers that are loosing thier children and they seem to have such faith and be so strong. I pray for all the mothers that are struggling with children's illnesses. I pray that God will bless my family with good health including my unborn child. I praise God for the family that he has blessed me with.
I count the minutes until they all return from basketball practice and I pray that when they start fighting five minutes after walking in the door that I will remember how much I missed them this evening when the house was so quiet. A good friend gave me a plaque that says God grant me patience to deal with my blessings. Can anyone else relate????