Monday, January 14, 2008


Check out the slideshow below. Most of the pictures are from Trey's birthday party we had at LaserChase in Franklin this weekend. Conner is having a skating party next weekend and then we are done w/ parties until Mike turns 36 in APRIL. Gosh we are all getting older.

I haven't blogged in awhile between the holidays, the family, getting the babies room built and being tired I haven't had the time or energy. I can't believe Trey turned 12 last week. I went to my ob/gyn appointment on his birthday and asked my Dr. if he knew what he was doing 12 years ago on that day :) I had an early ultrasound done last week. My Dr had not been able to get a heartbeat on the baby that lasted long enough that he could tell how many beats per minute. He felt ok about this and assured me it was because my placenta was in front he thought and it was blocking the baby. He asked me if I wanted an ultrasound and for peace of mind and I said no that day but called back the next day and told him I had changed my mind. I went in for an ultrasound last Friday and sure enough my placenta is in front. I am not feeling very much movement from the baby and that is because it is kicking my placenta and not my stomach. I hate that as I really wanted to savor everything about this pregnancy as I am sure it will be my last. Maybe my placenta will move. I asked if they could tell what I was having and the technician told me she thought she knew but when she went back to look again she couldn't prove it. She told me what she thinks I am having and I have told Mike and two other people besides the boys. We are going to wait until I go in Feb and have another one done to see if they can tell us for sure what we are having and then we will tell everyone. I really don't have a preference I just pray for a healthy baby that we can love on and bring into our family. I can't wait to see the boys with a baby as they are so good w/ the younger kids in our neighborhood.

I need to get dinner started-my family thinks that they have to eat dinner EVERY night for some reason. Oh well, tomorrow is Conner's birthday so we will go out for his birthday dinner and give me a reason not to cook.

God Bless

Check out my Slide Show!