Monday, September 24, 2007


I am counting down the days until we get to go on vacation. I can't wait for my husband to see Chicago. I fell in love with it while I was there and I can't wait to see what he thinks about it. I have lined up some fun activities for us and I think that we are going to have a blast.

I have something in my personal life that I am struggling to make a decision with and I have decided to put it in God's hands. I am totally putting it in his hands and whatever he wants to do with it is fine with me I honestly feel like I can accept his answer for this question. I know that my God is a big God and can do some mighty big things. It is very freeing to let go and let God. I think this may be the first time in my life when I have said there it is God I have laid it all at your feet you do with it what you choose. I will keep you all posted on what it is and the answer to it at a later date.

Have a great night.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Quick blog-church sign I saw

I don't have time to blog as i am doing dishes, cooking dinner putting rollers in my hair and blogging all while trying to get my 8 year old ready for a ball game. I know alot of you can relate. Anyhow just wanted to share the church sign I saw on the way home from work today....drum roll please..... HE WHO ANGERS YOU CONTROLS YOU.

It just really hit me how true that is. There is such power in forgiveness...just wanted to share that food for thought.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Go to bed

I had to share the video below. I found it on a friend from Sunday Schools blog. This came right at the perfect time for me as I prepare the daily ritual of getting the kids to bed and hearing hey mommy about 15 times before I make it down stairs. I wouldn't change any of it for the world though. Thank-you for posting this video Jeanne.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

My oldest boy

Have I mentioned how much I love the family that God has given me? My husband is so silly and good with the kids. He is always one of the only parents outside playing with all the kids. He likes to ride Conners scooter around and it cracks me up. He reminds me of Tom Hanks in big or like he is auditioning for the newest Adam Sadler movie. I had to share a picture of him being silly.

Today in SS we learned how God wants to speak to each of us. He knows how to speak to us so that only we can hear. I have never asked God to speak to me and yet I have wondered why I couldn't hear him. I have had prayers answered or felt led to make a decision but the only time I know without a doubt that he spoke to me was when my Grandmother Kasparek was in the hospice hospital dying. I went into the bathroom in the hallway and got on my knees and just prayed that God would show me that he was there and watching over all of us. I know he spoke to me and said that he would carry us all through this ordeal and i think that is why I felt so peaceful with her death.

I am going to ask God to speak to me more often. Instead of just asking for answered prayers and am going to try to have a more intimate relationship with my heavenly father because I know he wants to speak to me and is just waiting for me to ask him. Why do some of the most obvious things take me so long to learn??

French Doors

I have always wanted to have French doors in my home. I couldn't have them in my home in Nashville because they would have had to do too much construction to add them. As long as I have lived in this house the sliding door has been fogged up and you couldn't really see outside. Now we have been blessed with French doors and it lets in so much light. I love the home that the Lord has blessed me with and I love my new doors. I loved sitting in the living room and looking outside and seeing the rain hit the pool and then the sun come back out.

Friday, September 7, 2007

God is good

I just want to send a great big shout out that God is good. I am continously amazed by the work he is doing in my life. I am so in love with the life he has blessed me with. I am head over heels in love with my husband and I have two really cool kids that make me laugh daily. I am looking forward to this weekend. Conner has his first base ball game of fall ball and then we are having some couples over for dinner. It is going to be a wonderful weekend and I just thank God for the opportunity to enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

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Labor Day

What a great weekend God blessed us with this weekend. We went camping with some friends and had the most wonderful time. My favorite thing was watching the kids play outside and get filthy and just have a great time. Camping is so relaxing to me and I am so glad that Mike and I both like to camp. It gives our family something fun to do together. Life kind of stands still for the weekend and we get to really enjoy each other, act silly and play. This weekend was all of that and more. I just really felt connected to my husband and my kids this weekend and am so thankful that the Lord gave us the opportunity to share this wonderful weather and time with our family and friends