Saturday, November 29, 2008

So many emotions

We are in the car headed back to TN.I can barely keep from crying. I always find myself so depressed when we leave KS and leave our loved ones. I got to see my brother and his fiance. It was the first time that my brother, my mom, and grandma were all together since moving to TN 14 years ago. It was so good to see my brother. It was also very weird to see him with his soon to be 8 year old step son. Seeing my little brother in the role of father was amazing to me. He is so good with Spencer and just took to my kids. My boys loved him and we all had so much fun together. As we stayed at my grandmother pinkertons house I found myself really missing my grandfather that passed away in 1991. I know he would have loved seeing my sons and would have loved them as much as I do. I have a feeling he would have helped them to get into some trouble as well. He never got to meet Mike either and I think they would have hit it off. As I pulled out of my grandmothers house I couldn't help wondering if it would be the last time we would all be together. It seems as if there has been so much death around us lately that I have learned to not take any time with family for granted. We headed over to my grandfather kaspareks house. My grandmother kasparek died one and a half years ago. My grandpa has a girlfriend. I am very happy for him and glad that he is not lonely but it was very hard seeing her in the role of my grandmother and in my grandmothers house. When she was holding Tyler I had to keep biting my lip to keep from crying as I wish it was my grandmother holding him. My grandma never got to meet Tyler. We then headed to Lyons and stayed with Mikes mom. I kept expecting Mikes dad to come home and one time even thought I saw him out of the corner of my eye. The coolest story came out this weekend. Mike was cleaning out his dads truck and found a cooler in the back of it. He opened it up and there were two catfish in there swimming around. They were smaller catfish. We were all shocked as there was no food and the top of the water was frozen. Mikes mom called mikes dads friend that had been fishing with him on his last fishing trip and asked about the catfish and this is what we found out: Apparently Orville had caught them and they were to small to keep so he was going to throw them back but then decided to take them to the cemetary and put them in the pond so that the kids that go fishing out there would have more fish to catch. This was the fishing trip where Orvill fell and broke his ribs and bruised his lungs. It was three weeks after this fishing trip before he got so sick he had to be hospitilized and finally died on October 5th. So those fish had been alive in that cooler for about two months...The plot that we bought for Orville when we buried him is very close to the pond at the cemetary so Mike and the boys took the fish out there and let them go. I hope that Orville is happy that his fish finally made it to the fishing hole :) Great story huh?? Mike and I are really considering moving back to KS. It is so hard as we have to figure out the job situation. I actually have a job I can do from home from there if we choose to move back. But there is alot to take into consideration. I am not sure I would miss TN but am not sure Ks is the right choice either. I just pray that God will make it clear what we should do... Well the kids are begging for the computer and to keep the peace I better sign off. This drive took us 16 hours on the way out there so I will do anything I can to help it go faster on the way back...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bragging rights

I just got back from the awards cermony at David Youree Elementary. I love that God allowed it to be on a Monday when I was scheduled off work so that I could go. I also love that my husband is enough involved that he made it a priority to be there as well before going into work late. Conner made straight A's on his report card this six week so he made the Principals List. Actually, Conner was the only student in his class to get all A's. I know he doesn't get his smarts from me and have to credit his father for that but boy am I proud of him.

Funny how the son that I have to fight all night with to do his homework and never has it done in less than two hours was able to get straight A's.


Sunday, November 9, 2008


I have been tagged by my good friend Kelly. (Thanks Kelly)
I am supposed to tell you 7 weird or interesting facts about myself....

1) I am could drink a whole 2 liter of Diet Coke in one day
2) I am barely 5ft tall
3) I met my husband trick or treating 18 years ago this October
4) I turn my alarm clock off and on about 15 times before I can go to sleep. I am terrified of over sleeping
5) I use to be able to lay on my stomach and suck in so much air that I could burp for over a minute straight (haven't tried this in the last 20 years or so)
6) When I get nervous I start laughing hysterically which isn't a good thing if you are in a work meeting
7) If I eat something that is hot in temperature I will pass out and have a seizure..The weird thing is I have never really tried to hard to figure out why-I just know not to eat hot things :)

Now back to my original posting thought. This week our microwave went out and so instead of getting just a new microwave I decided to talk my husband in to getting all new appliances. I love my new stove and am sure I will like the microwave and dishwasher when they get here. The refrigerator is a different series as our kitchen is such a weird shape that all of the refrigerators I liked wouldn't fit so I had to settle for one. It is just a tiny bit different in color but it is driving me nuts. I hope that I can just learn to be grateful for what I got and go on. Mike has found a couple of houses in Lyons that he wants us to look at when we go back over Thanksgiving. One of them is a two story farm house that is 2338 sq feet and has 5 acres with a two car garage, covered back porch that wraps around the side of the house and 5 metal storage buildings on the property. It is only 112,000. it is AMAZING to me what the prices of land and houses are back home. I had a broker tell me that if I did move to KS I could work from home for him. He said he wasn't sure he could pay me what the bank pays me( I doubt he could as I am paid very very well-I am truly blessed at the bank) but I would be able to work from home so that would be a definate plus. I guess Mike would just have to find a job and we would have to sell our house. I really need to pray to see what God wants us to do. The boys are actually excited about the prospect and I think if it weren't for me, Mike would have us moved there all ready..

I need to get to bed just wanted to update real quick. Will post more later.