Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fat, Swollen and snoring like a freight train

Gosh isn't that title lovely? That pretty much describes the state that I find my self in these days. I still have about 3.5 months to go and I can't imagine that I can get any bigger or that my feet and arms can swell any more. Last week I had to remind myself how much I wanted this baby. I have gotten his nursery put together a little bit and went to a consignment sale and got quite a few good deals now we just need the time to fly by so he can arrive. That is the hard part waiting. I guess we still need to find a name but I guess we will agree sooner or later.

My great aunt died yesterday so please keep her immediate family in your prayers. She had a very rare brain disorder in fact the Univerity of KU medical said hers was one of two people they had ever seen with this disease. She had basically been trapped in her body for the last ten years not being able to communicate. It was similiar to alzhimers in many ways. Please pray for my grandmother who was very close to her and is down there trying to help with that and take care of my aunt who had a double knee replacement.

God Bless

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tag your it

My friend Kelly tagged me. I have been tagged before and never played along but she asked nicely so I will try to it goes:

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Staffing Recruiter at Express Personell
2. Bank officer at Tennessee Commerce Bank
3. Telemarketer at Idelman Telemarketing
4. Cashier at Dillons

3. Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. Diary of an angry black woman
2. On golden pond
3. I hate to watch movies over again so those are the only two

Four places I have lived:
1. Houston TX
2. Emporia KS
3. Fort Collins CO.
4. Smyrna, TN

Four shows that I watch:
1. Big Brother (totally immoral but I am hooked)
2. American Idol
3. According to Jim
4. Greys Anatomy -when the writers aren't on strike.

Four places I have been:
1. Chicago
2. Rio Dosa New Mexico
3. Manitu Springs Colorado
4. California

Four people who email me regularly:
1. Dana Sink
2. Samantha Davis
3. Christinie Lapinta
4. Aunt Deann

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Anything Mexican
2. Any type of pasta
3. Deli Sandwhiches
4. Chineese

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Taking a nap
2. On vacation
3.With all of my family
4.taking another nap

Four things I'm looking forward to in the next 12 months:
1. Weekend Camping Trips
2. The birth of my child
3. Being at home this summer with my kids
4. Sending the kids to camp so I won't be home all summer with them-#3's enjoyment might be short lived :)

Four Goals for the New Year:
1. Work on having quiet time with/for God
2. Be debt free (except our house)
3. Patience
4. Seeing out of state family more often

Four gifts I got for Christmas:
1. Worship CD's
2. Gift Cards
3. I can't remember....
4. I can't remember...

Four places I want to visit
1. Myrtle Beach
2. San Francisco
3. San Antonio
4. Alaska

Four things I wish I could be better at:
1. Reading my Bible every day
2. Parenting
3. Managing money
4. Staying in touch with friends

Four Things You Don't Know About Me:
1. I came in 3rd in the state of KS in the state forensics competition with a speech about kissing
2. I have had three last names-Kasparek, Hornbeck and Sallee
3. I am afraid of confrontation unless I have on Sunglasses so you can't see my eyes and then I feel tough
4. I love hugs

Four Things I Can Cook Without a Recipe:
1. Mexican Spaghetti(thanks to Kelly)
2. Swiss Chicken and stuffing
3. Pigs in a blanket
4. Frozen Pizzas

Four Musicians/Groups I Really Like:
1.I don't know any groups or names of songs.

I tried by best Kelly :)


Today we talked in Sunday School how even when we experience disappointment that God is still good. Our Sunday School teacher asked how we would finish this sentence. I experienced disappointment when.....she talked about how even the disappointments that you experience as a child play a big part in the adult you become if you don't turn it over to God. She talked about how God wants to be the salve that heals you if you just turn it over to him. How true that is..What a refreshing liberating feeling it is when you can say even though things didn't turn out the way I wanted my God is still good.

Tomorrow it will be one year since my grandmother passed away. It is amazing to think that a whole year has passed by since I last saw her. Technically it was a year ago today that I spoke to her for the last time. I got sad the other day thinking about what a huge part she played in the care of my boys when I brought them home from the hospital. With both boys my grandmother and grandfather came to vist me and helped me when I was on maternity leave. They brough boxes of clothes that they had bought at garage sales for my babies. The other day I got sad thinking how this baby will never know my grandmother his great grandmother and how when I come home from the hospital I won't be getting a visit from them. I think that will be a bittersweet time for me. I will be so happy to have my son in my arms in his home but so sad that my grandmother won't be there.

Please pray for a friend of my sons mother. My sons friend called him yesterday to tell him that his mother has breast cancer and is starting chemo today. It is amazing because this is a person that I have always thought had the perfect so called family. She has a boy and a girl has family here in Smyrna that they eat dinner with ever Friday night and has the most unbelievably gorgeous home. It hit me today that none of those things really matter when tragedy strikes. God can test any of us at any time and none of the material things will help us get through those tests. It is only when we rely fully on our Father and turn it over to him that our wounds can be healed. Please pray for this family

God Bless


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Help me name our son

Help a girl out and take the poll to the left to help us name our son. I had girls names picked out that we agreed on but we can't seem to reach a decision on a boys name. We still have plenty of time left as my due date is 4 months from today. I am getting really excited and can't believe how much I have changed since our last post. We bought a crib and changing table/dresser, I have ordered the nursery deco and gotten a stroller. I am going to a consignment sale next week and hope to get lots of goodies there.

I don't have time to post as my family thinks they need to eat and that they need me to fix it so hungry stomachs are calling but please take my poll.



Thursday, February 7, 2008

Long time no post

I have not posted in forever and still owe it to Conner to get his birthday slide show up here. Maybe by the time he is 10 I will have accomplished that. Time is slipping away from us slowly but surely. This past week has been very busy. I got a promotion at work on Friday. I have been promoted as an Officer of the bank. Along with that comes the great benefit of having four weeks paid vacation. I am loving that. We found out yesterday that we are having another boy. I guess we can start a 2008 in color version of MY THREE SONS. I didn't handle that news very well and am quite ashamed of myself. I pouted and screamed and cried and didn't talk to my husband at all after we found out. I just withdrew. Thank God that I have the best husband in the worl in my opionion and that he was kind and patient with me until I could finally get it out today about how disappointed I am. Truth is I am not sure that I would be good with a girl. I am not very girly myself but I would like to have one for the first 5 years and then I could pass her on when she got to difficult :) I think it was the realization that I would never have a daughter that hit me. That this truly will be my last pregnancy-that I am planning, who knows what God has in plan. I just shut down yesterday and couldn't look at anything baby w/out being mad and bitter. I even told God I was mad at him. I had to worn my friend at church last night that she might not want to sit with me as there was a really good chance that God was going to cave the building in on me. I talked to him today and told him I could imagine how disappointed in me he was that he gave me such a gift and I wanted to return it. How typical of us that we sometimes don't recognize the magnitute of what God has done for us. I am much better today. I was even able to look at cribs and buy a diaper bag. I am going shopping this weekend with a dear friend and althought she is more excited than me and I don't think I will ever get overly excited about buying boy clothes as they just aren't as fun as girl clothes, we will get through it and get some much needed stuff bought.

Trey has found it very amusing over the last week to come up and hit me in the stomach (not hard or anything, just enough to make it jiggle) I told him his brother was going to come out and beat him up. I heard him telling Conner last night can you believe we are going to have ANOTHER little brother. We are going to have a third kid running around. I think it just hit him for the first time what this all means. I know he will be a great big brother and have no worries about that at all. He had the chicken pox this week and it was so nice not having to worry about picking him up from school or doing homework but he was so excited to get back to school yesterday.

Just wanted to touch base

Have a blessed day