Sunday, July 29, 2007


Has it really been this long since I have posted anything? Time has just gotten away from me. We were so busy with Conners travel ball and having practice every night of the week and then tournaments on the weekend that it was all a little overwhelming.

A dear friend of mine kept the boys last night and Mike and I had a date night. We really had nothing planned but we went out to dinner and then drove to Cedars of Lebanon a campground we hadn't been to in a while. We were disappointed that we didn't think of that earlier as we would have liked to have pulled the camper up there and gone camping all by ourselves for one night. We drove around the park and then went to the Prime outlets of lebanon and just walked around. it is amazing how carefree you feel when you have no kids. We woke up this morning and just laid in bed talking and watching silly tv shows. It was so nice just to have a change from the same ol same ol. My house is so quiet which is why I am able to post this right now...The boys have taken over both computers it seems when they are home. I guess this is a sign of them growing up.

We are going on a spontaneous trip to Chicago in October. We werent' going to go on a vacation but SW had great deals on travel and I convinced mike to let us go for four days. I am really excited as I fell in love with that City when I went in June with Trey. This will be so nice and relaxing compared to the last trip. I can't wait..

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

And my world stood still

I can now understand the true meaning of the saying my world stood still. Yesterday afternoon I got a call from a very dear friend of mine letting me know that the bus that was taking Trey and 59 other students from our church to camp in Kentucky had collided with a 18 Wheeler and that the interstate had been closed down. This particular friend is a very sturdy person kind of a rock and when she first called I realized she was crying and I knew it was bad. It was only 15 minutes or so before I heard that all the kids were ok but it wasn't until I got home and watched the news and saw Trey on T.V. that I really felt he was ok. I know that God has only given us these children to borrow for awhile to teach them about our Lord and the plan that he has for our lives but you NEVER want to think about your children being hurt. It is amazing how stressed out I can get with the kids sometimes and really want them to go away for awhile and then when something like that happens you realize you never want them to go. I heard the saying one time :God please give me the patience to deal with my blessings. I always think that applies to me and my children.

I can't wait for Trey to get home so I can give him a really big hug and tell him how much I love him. I am so glad that he went to camp and is learning how to start his day with quiet time just like Jesus did. I can't wait to hear about his experience. On a side note I was so frusturated with myself that I didn't stop to Pray when I found out about the wreck I pretty much just lost control and didn't think about God until a friend grabbed me and told me to pray. I can't believe that I didnt think of that first.

Let this be a lesson to me and my family to always tell each other that we love eafch other prior to leaving the house and remember that when the kids are fighting at least they are both there to fight with each other.

God Bless

Sunday, July 8, 2007


First a quick update on Trey. Friday morning two of his stitches came out. The Dr. said that it was ok though that he would be ok and it would be fine for him to go on to Centri Kid Camp on Monday. He leaves tomorrow and will be gone until Friday. I am a little nervous as it is about 4 hours away. I didn't realize it was so far away when I signed him up.

I have started a new diet and am going to use this blog as an accountablity partner. Actually it is a new life style as I am going to be re programming the way I think about food as well. I have started Medi Fast. They sent me five weeks worth of food and I started it today. The program is very simple. You eat 6 small meals a day no more than 2 hours apart. You eat five of thier meals and then one of your own lean and green meal which consists of 5-7 ounces of meet depending on how lean the meat you choose is and 3 cups of vegetables. Today I had a choc shake, bannana pudding, cream of brocoli soup, a carmel nut bar and two vegetarian boca burgers with a tsp of ketchup and a tablespoon of mustart and three cups of lettuce with cucumbers, celery and radishes in it. I will have a vanilla shake later this evening. I think I will have consumed 800 calories which is thousands less then what I normally consume. They say the first three days are the hardest adn that you might not feel good at first but so far today I feel great. I think this program will take the importance off of food for me. Right now I live to eat and I am hoping this will teach me to eat to live. Today at church we were talking about love and we visited 1 Corinthians. I noticed several verses that seemed to hit me today and I am going to put them here so that I can remember them. The first one is 1 Corinthians 6:13-15
The bible says. Foos is for the stomach and the stomach is for food, but God will do away with both of them. Yet the body is not for immorality, but for the Lord and the Lord is for the body. Now God has not only raised the Lord but will also raise us up through his power. do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of christ and make them members of a prositute? May it never be.

It hit me that my body has been a prostitute to food for many years now and that it is time to make a change. I also read 1 Corinithians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God adn that you are not your own?

Our bodies were given to us by Christ to help glorify him. I am not using my body to glorify Christ when I let myself get so fat that I am ashamed to go to work, that I am embarrassed to go to Church, that I let it hold me back from serving in the areas in church that I feel called to serve in. I am not gloriying Christ with my body when I am ashamed to show it to my husband and withdrawl from him intimately. I am sinning by over eating and staying fat. It is time that I make a change that I get my body into the shape that will allow me to use it as a temple that will allow me to glorify Christ.

I am very excited about this venture. I am very scared of failing and doing so by publically putting this on my blog but I feel called to do so and know that I might be able to help others through this process as well. I only hope that tomorrow and the days that follow will be as easy as today was. I know there will be challenges but I must remmber that the Lord is my ROCK.....The Lord can fill me in ways that a snickers bar can never fill me. All the fattening foods do is help fill my jeans it does nothing for my spiritual self. So that is where I am now....someting to think about huh?

God Bless you

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tooth Fairy JackPot

Well, we just got back from the hospital having Trey's seven teeth removed. I have never been prouder of him. He was so afraid and cried before we left the house and then cried right before they took him back but we prayed and I told him God would be with him. He told me he didn't feel him and it broke my heart but I promised Trey that he would be able to feel him when he needed him the most. He dried his tears and went with the nurse with his head held high. As a mother this was one of my hardest days. I had no doubt that he was going to be ok but knowing how afraid he was and how much pain he would soon be in and not being able to take that away from him and not being able to heal him broke my heart. I feel it is my job to protect my kids and I wasn't able to protect him BUT when they let me go see him in recovery he said I love you and reached for me and then he told me he had prayed right before he went to sleep. I was so proud of him. What great children God has blessed me with. Seeing Trey confront his fears today the way he did really made me see what a wonderful young man he is turning in to.

He was so high from the anthestigia and it was a little scary. He had such a far away look in his eyes adn was saying some really crazy things. I called Mike and asked him to come home from work. Not because I didn't think Trey would be ok but because Trey was so different from the person I knew that I wasn't sure how to handle him. He tried to eat some ice cream and ended up wiping it all over his forhead and his hair. He started crying because the stuff made him feel so weird and he has gauze all over in his mouth and so he can't talk and he was very very frusturated. Conner asked me how long he was going to be like that and was so sweet to his brother. He helped him with his icee and when I was feeding Trey so that it would get in his mouth and not his hair, Conner stood behind him rubbing his shoulders and playing with his hair. Conner later told me it was kind of scary seeing Trey that way. If only they could be that sweet to each other all the time but then i guess we wouldn't appreciate the moments they were that way so much.

I am going to go change his gauze but wanted to post an update as i know we have family that uses this to keep in touch.

God bless you