Monday, November 26, 2007

What is the Buzz about

I had to do a quick post about being a bzz agent. I decided to do this about a month or two ago and love it. You get sent samples sent to you and you get to keep them it is free and all you have to do is tell people about what they sent you and get feedback and post it in an email to your buzz agent. I am only beginning this and have done three campaigns so far and today I got a sonic toothbrush electric in the mail. It is so cool. It came w/ a charger, a toothbrush, the tooth brush head and it even has a UV chamber to clean your toothbrush afterwards and it was all free...Go to and sign up. You have to complete just a few of the surveys and then it takes a week or two before you get your first campaign.

I love this.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Memories from KS

This is a picture of the bridge where Mike proposed. The bridge looks the same but Mike and I have sure changed.
The boys think this car of my Grandmothers is the bomb. They love it and beg to ride in it. I think she got it in the 80's and it doesn't even have 50,000 miles on it....


I am taking a break from helping my husband put up Christmas lights to post this. We like to decorate for the holiday and I am so thankful that our neighbors do to. It makes it so much fun. Our neighbors moved in around the holidays and I will never forget my husband coming in and saying we will get along great they are out there hanging christmas lights.

We took a much needed week off and went to KS and spent Thanksgiving with our family. This was the first time in 13 years we have gotten to do that. While we were there we got to visit some of our childhood hangouts. Funny how you embelish things in your memory. We had so much fun taking the kids to visit and do the things we did when we were growing up in KS. We took them to see our elementary schools, where we both lived as children, the town that we went to college in, where we got married and we had them take a picutre of us on the bridge that Mike proposed to me at. I don't know if the kids enjoyed it as much as we did but they at least acted like they were interested. It was fun to be able to share a little bit of our history with our children. I think I enjoyed sharing with them as much as I enjoyed seeing our family. I am going to make a slide show of our trip and post it. I am so thankful for the family God has blessed me with.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

So Sad....

Today has been a very hard day. I could not stop crying. I keep thinking I see Bailey out of the corner of my eye. I didn't realize how much I would miss her paws clicking on the hardwood. I had no idea that I would be this sad. My oldest son is grieving outwardly the most and my husband can't talk about Bailey yet. Funny how we all grieve in different ways. I miss that silly old dog so much. She was so faithful and always sat with me while we watched tv. Last night in bed if felt funny not having to move my feet so that she could lay down. I know that God will help heal us all in time I just wish we were already at that point. I had an email sent to me today that I wanted to share on here...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Our dog is gone...............

We made the difficult decision to put our dog Bailey to sleep today. I have had her for 16 years. My husband gave her to me before he was even my husband. She was such a good dog even when we weren't all that good to her. Before children she was our everything after having kids she kind of got pushed to the back burner but yet she was always faithful and good to us. This past year she really started having a hard time walking. It got worse over the last couple of weeks. We took her to the vet last week and they gave us medicine for her that made her very sick to her stomach and she started making messes all over the house. Today when I got home from work she was laying in a mess and just shaking like crazy. We agreed that although she might stop making messes the quality of life she was living was not good and we wanted better for her.

The hardest thing I have done so far is telling my kids we were going to do this. They made the decision to be in the room with her.It was very quick and she just went to sleep but Trey started screaming and crying for her. I wanted to say wait stop we don't want to do this but it was to late. I know in my heart she didn't have much of a life any more but at least she was still here. The hardest thing is that I have never seen my husband cry in 17 years and tonight I saw him cry several times. That broke me. Trey my oldest is really having a hard time tonight as is my husband. I hate seeing them so broken...I wish we would have never have had to make this decision. I prayed for God to just take her and I was a little mad that he didn't but I know he had a plan and there was a reason that we had to go through that....

Please pray for all my boys...............