Ok...so today is Sunday. I get Tyler up to go to Sunday School with me which starts at 9:00AM then our Church starts at 10:45 and the boys all meet me at church for that. So...I am rushing around and get Tyler ready and get myself ready and head out the door. I didn't realize how late it was. I got to church and it was 9:06 and there were no close parking spots. I thought about it for a minute and knew that my group sets up front in our Sunday School class and that one of my two leaders had probably already started or might even be in prayer right then. I got to embarrassed to go in and walk up front with a baby and interupt class so what did I do? just what the devil wanted me to do. I turned around and went home. Mike just grinned at me and shook his head when he saw me come in the door announcing I was late so I would just wait and go to church with them. One of these days I might grow up and get some confidence. I wanted to be in God's word so bad this morning and let the Devil keep me from it. On the flip side though when I got home before going to church I got an email from an old college roomate. This old friend was really struggling with some issues in her life and had found me on FACEBOOK which then directed her to my blog so she knew that I was a Christ follower and she was reaching out to me asking me to pray for her. She mentioned that she felt selfish asking me to pray for her to which I explained that I had felt that way so often-for example I feel like if I don't go to church every week I have no right to ask anyone to pray for me. I explained to her that is how the Devil works and we can't give in to it. I was incredibly honored that this person that use to be a very very close friend to me felt comfortable asking me to pray for her. I shared with her some things I have learned about myself and God over the last two months of doing the devotional Jesus Calling. I really felt like I was supposed to be home and read her email and answer her. I felt like it was God's timing that I see the email when I did and I hope that I was able to give her some peace knowing that I would gladly pray for her. For those of you that read this blog please pray for her as well. God knows who she is and what she needs prayer for.
All right...now I am off to church.
Have a great rest of the weekend.
1 comment:
I Love God's Timing, and how truly perfect it is. Kudos to you for sharing such a personal situation. Praying.
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