Monday, August 25, 2008

Internet Amazing

I am completely and totally amazed at what possibilities the internet will open up for you. I have joined Facebook and been reunited with many highschool friends and been able to look into thier vitural photo books and see what they have been up to for the last ten years. In my effort to save money and one day be a stay at home mom I have been researching many different sites. I found one site that pays you to take far I have earned $1.75, I have found many new coupon sites and many bargin sites which I will post tomorrow as it is getting late and when baby sleeps I need to sleep. I did put live feeds to a site called Freebies 4 Mom there are lots of samples on there and you can also print coupons off the site. The feed to it is on the left in my blog....Stay tuned as I update my blog with many of the other things I have learned today while Tyler was napping...

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