Have I mentioned how much I love the family that God has given me? My husband is so silly and good with the kids. He is always one of the only parents outside playing with all the kids. He likes to ride Conners scooter around and it cracks me up. He reminds me of Tom Hanks in big or like he is auditioning for the newest Adam Sadler movie. I had to share a picture of him being silly.
Today in SS we learned how God wants to speak to each of us. He knows how to speak to us so that only we can hear. I have never asked God to speak to me and yet I have wondered why I couldn't hear him. I have had prayers answered or felt led to make a decision but the only time I know without a doubt that he spoke to me was when my Grandmother Kasparek was in the hospice hospital dying. I went into the bathroom in the hallway and got on my knees and just prayed that God would show me that he was there and watching over all of us. I know he spoke to me and said that he would carry us all through this ordeal and i think that is why I felt so peaceful with her death.
I am going to ask God to speak to me more often. Instead of just asking for answered prayers and am going to try to have a more intimate relationship with my heavenly father because I know he wants to speak to me and is just waiting for me to ask him. Why do some of the most obvious things take me so long to learn??
1 comment:
my brother is such a goof! LOL!
sometimes God speaks to me and I miss it! I am learning to listen more carefully!
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