Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Catching up

Where is the time going? As I type this Tyler is crawling in between my legs around the chair and all over the place. It seems it was just yesterday that I found out I was having a boy. I have been so busy lately I can't keep this post up. I cut my hours at work but still don't seem to have enough time to get everything done. We took Conner to the Cardiologist yesterday and got a wonderful report-music to a mothers ears. Tyler's spot on his head continues to grow in relation to his head but hasn't changed formation. He does have black hair growing out of the spot and it seems to draw alot of attention where ever we go. People are always stopping me and commenting on it. It will be so weird after it is removed and he no longer has it. I wonder what he will think as he looks back at pictures. Mike continues to grieve his father but seems to be doing better most days. Some days it just hits him and he struggles which is to be expected. My job is going great. Valentines day Mike got me Fire Proof and the Love Dare book to go along w/ it. I bought us both notebooks so neither of us would have to write in the book and we are going to do it together. Today I had to show patience. It is so hard for me but thankfully the night is almost over. I guess the point is to continue on that behavior after the day is done though huh? My neighbor watched Tyler for us and Mike and I went to the Avenue and just looked around. Not very romantic but so relaxing not having the kids with us. Sometimes it is so hard with little ones to make time for each other. Mike and I have not made us a priority and are really working on that now. Well, Tyler is not being very patient right now so I better go. I will try to update more later.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Cute new layout :o)

Can we borrow Fireproof? :o)