What made Mothers day great for me? It wasn't the dozen roses that I found next to my bed when I woke up that morning. Although they are beautiful and I gratefully appreciate them it was all the other things that I got to do with my family and that they did with me. We went to church and then to watch Conner play ball. His team won pretty easily and are now undefeated having won the last 7 games. After that we all hung out at the house and then went back to the ball park to watch a friends son play. We came home and Mike installed a second peep whole for his short wife so that I could see without trying to jump off the bottom step and catch a glimpse on my way down. He also replaced the hinges on my cabinets and we bought new faucets for the bathroom that he installed. He is no handy man so the fact that he attempted and was sucessful in all these things shows me he loves me. Conner vacummed the stairs for me. I had to walk behind him and carry the sweeper so it defeated the purpose but it was important to him to do it so I let him. he then made an airplane out of a twenty dollar bill and threw it over the balcony to me.With a note saying he loved me. I of course gave it back to him. Trey helped around the house and it was nice. I loved watching them play outside with friends in the beautiful weather. I am so glad that God chose those three boys for me. I love them with all of my heart and love being thier mother :)
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