Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I am being tested

Maybe I should have gone to church Sunday because so far this week I have been being tested in several areas of my life. There is a person at work that is really pushing some buttons and I am letting them. Right now I feel like I could chew the person up and spit them out and then step on them. Harsh huh?? I prayed on the way to work this morning that I would have an attitude change about the person but then when I got to work I realized that maybe I didn't want to change. How is this for honesty?? I am sure I will regret being so honest on this post at some point in my life, just not right now. I remember Natalie and Sherry talking about how they have had people like this in thier lives in the past and how they ended up being good friends. I am not holding my breathe on that one and I am not sure I even would want this person as a friend BUT... I have decided to try to channel my energy into figuring out why GOD has put this person in my path. Maybe I will be pleasantly suprised...I will let you know.

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