I didn't realize when I started this blogging thing the pressure of having something profound to say. I almost didn't blog today because I felt I had nothing to offer, but after a quick word of prayer I have decided to share something after all. A co-worker and I were talking yesterday about how hard it is to talk about God openly at work with people that you aren't sure are Christians. I think sometimes we surround ourselves with people we know are Christians and have the same beliefs as us because it is easier. If there is someone you know in your life that is doing something that is not pleasing to God I think you have a responsibility to invest in that person. I am not saying be judgemental because WE ALL sin, and I believe that one sin is just as bad as the other. What I am saying is even though Christians need our love and our support I think non christians need it just as much if not more. As we talked about at church the other week look who Jesus hung out with...the prostitutes, the cheaters, the liers, those are the people that he brought to Christ. Our Sunday School teacher says that if you know someone is doing something unpleasing to God that you have a right to make sure they know you don't condone it-No finger pointing please and only if you are asked for an opionin, but if you are asked then you have to be honest and boy is that hard. We are so afraid that we might offend someone that we shy away from sharing God's word. I am so preaching to myself here and have found that really that is what this blogging thing is all about-personal growth. I am not trying to come off high and mighty here, I am simply trying to speak it and hoping that my actions will follow. Bottom line is you have to LOVE people WHERE THEY ARE not where YOU want them to be. I think that is a very important lesson for us all as I know that I have spent many wasted years trying to change others instead of investing in them.
God Bless.
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